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Cryolipolyse amincissement par le froid


La cryolipolyse est la solution idéale pour le traitement de la silhouette et des amas graisseux localisés, sans chirurgie et sans douleur.

La cryolipolyse détruit les cellules graisseuses par le froid. Cette technologie est adaptée pour les personnes qui, sans excès de poids, désirent se débarrasser de bourrelets disgracieux.


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Visit Now 

You will find below the possible appointments available.

In the absence of availability, or for a specific request, please contact us

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Functions and possibilities

Laser hair removal allows a progressively permanent hair removal of any area of the body and face. The principle is simple, the laser will concentrate on the melanin of the hair and heat to a temperature so high that the entire hair will disintegrate.


This includes the destruction of the bulb, hair shaft and all of its components. Thus, the darker and thicker the hair, the lighter the skin; the better the laser output will be.


Laser hair removal does not work or is very ineffective on blond hair.


On average 5 to 10 sessions are necessary to permanently eliminate body hair,

and 7 to 10 sessions for the downy of the face.


All areas of the body can be treated with laser.

The number of sessions to permanently remove hair can also vary from one person to another, depending on hormonal factors for example.


It is essential to shave the area the day before your hair removal session EXCEPT all areas of the face where the hair should remain as it is.


Do not confuse laser hair removal and pulsed light which are two completely different techniques and whose results are not comparable.

Quand voit-on les résultats définitifs

  • les premiers résultats se voient au bout de 1 mois, mais il faut généralement attendre 3 mois. 

  • les résultats varient d'une personne à l'autre, mais il suffit en général de 1 à 3 séances pour obtenir les résultats escomptés.

  • Plus le bourrelet est gros (sup à 3 cm) plus il faut de séances en général. la meilleure indication est un bourrelet inférieur à 3 cm. les résultats sont définitifs sur les cellules détruites


Functions and possibilities

Laser hair removal allows a progressively permanent hair removal of any area of the body and face. The principle is simple, the laser will concentrate on the melanin of the hair and heat to a temperature so high that the entire hair will disintegrate.


This includes the destruction of the bulb, hair shaft and all of its components. Thus, the darker and thicker the hair, the lighter the skin; the better the laser output will be.


Laser hair removal does not work or is very ineffective on blond hair.


On average 5 to 10 sessions are necessary to permanently eliminate body hair,

and 7 to 10 sessions for the downy of the face.


All areas of the body can be treated with laser.

The number of sessions to permanently remove hair can also vary from one person to another, depending on hormonal factors for example.


It is essential to shave the area the day before your hair removal session EXCEPT all areas of the face where the hair should remain as it is.


Do not confuse laser hair removal and pulsed light which are two completely different techniques and whose results are not comparable.

Attention :

Do not expose your skin to the sun at least 3 weeks before the permanent hair removal session, and one week after the session.

Do not pull out the hairs before laser hair removal because the bulb must be present for the laser to work.

It is recommended to shave the area to be treated the day before the session.



Tanning, pregnancy, breastfeeding, blond, white and red hair, herpes and photo-sensitizing medical treatments (specific antibiotics), infections, diseases and skin lesions.


Plan Your Visit Now 

Laser hair removal - Cryolipolysis - Lymphatic Drainage



Pl. Jean-Marteau 3

1201 Genève


From Monday to Friday

10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

© 2025,, Tout droits réservés | Une réalisation de DJones_MarketPro

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